Wednesday, November 10, 2010

550 Years Early

"Oh my?" questioned Sherman.

"Yes, yes indeed." Peabody shuffled Sherman back inside. "We were traveling to the town Kenswick. But ..." He waved his arm with a flourish. "No Kenswick."

Peabody consulted the display on the console in the middle of the room. "Ah, I see. Our where is fine. Our when is a touch off."

"A touch off?"

"Yes, just a bit. We were shooting for the mid-twentieth century."

"And actually ended up ... when?"

"Uh, late 14th century actually. We must have been pulled here by 'A Forme of Cury' .... Sherman, amuse yourself seeing what we can pick up doing a local scan ... I think I have some adjustments to make."

"Whatever you say Good Doctor." Sherman sighed. Busywork to keep him from getting underfoot.

Busywork that proved to be productive however. "Recipe coming in now."

Almond Caudell
adapted from A Forme of Cury (circa 1390) (with guidance)

1 cup blanched almonds
2 cups white wine, preferably sweet and inexpensive
1/2 tsp ginger
pinch saffron
pinch salt
brown sugar to taste (a few Tbs)

Add almonds and wine to blender and puree. Bring mixture to a boil in a saucepan. Add ginger, saffron, and salt. Lower heat to a simmer and add brown sugar to taste. Simmer 15 minutes. Serve while warm.

Scan of original page from University of Manchester:

From the Project Gutenberg ebook of Samuel Pegge's 1780 transcription: Take Almaundes blaunched and drawe hem up with wyne, do þerto powdour
of gyngur and sugur and colour it with Safroun. boile it and serue it

[Although far from a vegan cookbook (500+ years early for that :) ), as the first English language cookbook A Forme of Cury is worthwhile to know about for anyone interested in cookery. The recipe above is my own take, informed by too many sources to link to. I think I looked at pretty much every resource on the web dealing with medieval cookery.]


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